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- What's New in VirusScan 2.04 for Windows 95 (9606)
- Copyright 1994-1996 by McAfee, Inc.
- All Rights Reserved.
- ___________________
- What's In This File
- - Eicar Installation Test.
- - New VirusScan95 features.
- - Known issues.
- - New Viruses Detected and Removed.
- - Installing VirusScan95.
- - If a Virus is Detected in Memory.
- - Scanning with VirusScan95.
- - Customizing VirusScan95.
- - Documentation.
- - Frequently Asked Questions.
- - Reporting Problems.
- - How to contact us.
- - Registering VirusScan95.
- - McAfee Training.
- - Upgrading McAfee Products.
- ______________________________
- Eicar Standard AntiVirus Test.
- A few words about the Eicar Standard AntiVirus Test File:
- The Eicar Standard AntiVirus Test File is a combined effort by
- antivirus vendors throughout the world to come up with one
- standard by which customers can verify their antivirus installations.
- To test your installation, you would copy the following line into its
- own file and name it EICAR.COM.
- When done, you will have a 69 or 70 byte file.
- When VirusScan is applied to this file, SCAN will report finding the
- It is very important to know that THIS IS NOT A VIRUS! However,
- users often have the need to test that their installations function
- correctly. The antivirus industry, through the European Institute
- for Computer Antivirus Research, has adopted this standard to
- facilitate this need.
- Please delete the file when installation testing is completed so
- unsuspecting users are not unnecessarily alarmed.
- Notes:
- The next DAT update is scheduled for July with another in Sep.
- Intermediate "emergency" updates will be available only through the
- BBS.
- ____________________________
- New Features for VirusScan95
- * Added support for ZIP file scanning from the On-Demand scanner.
- * Added MS-DOS scanning component prior to loading Windows 95.
- * VirusScan95 now CLEANS MS Word macro infections.
- * Added the ability to scan the boot sector on local hard drives
- (enabled by default).
- * Added support for multiple scan targets (see FAQs under Section II
- below).
- * Added support for the "Scan in:" field to scan Local Drives as well
- as Network Drives.
- * Added support for scanning Word documents when launching from Word
- or Mail.
- * Added an AutoExit switch in VirusScan Configuration (VSC) files
- (see item 4 below).
- * Enabled the ability for launching VirusScan95 in a minimized or
- maximized window by using shortcuts.
- * Installation directory defaults to
- "C:\Program Files\McAfee\VirusScan95".
- * To save disk space, the installation searches for previously
- installed versions of McAfee VirusScan95.
- __________________________
- New Features for VShield95
- McAfee has re-vitalized the classic VShield product for an entirely
- new generation of Windows products. McAfee's chief architect stated
- when asked, "We overhauled the entire product by dropping in a 32-bit
- engine, and a series of VXD modules then, gave the interface a
- completely new look & feel. Customers who are familiar with the older
- product will be completely amazed at the improvements and features we
- have added. New users will really enjoy how VShield has been
- seamlessly blended into the workings of Windows95."
- Unlike its predecessor, VShield no longer relies on a DOS TSR;
- everything is done directly in the Windows95 environment.
- "We assembled customers' feedback and attempted to develop a product
- which, we believe the customer really wants. In the marketplace, I
- believe McAfee will be the first to develop an on-access product which
- is completely independent of MS-DOS."
- Here's what we did:
- * On Access scanning of floppy diskettes.
- * UNC aware.
- * Long file and directory name support.
- * Netware and MS-Network awareness.
- * Log file support with real-time logging.
- * Exclusions table.
- * Detection rate equivalent to existing products.
- ____________
- Known Issues
- Symptom: VirusScan95 appears to continue scanning endlessly
- even after pressing the 'Stop' button.
- Cause: If VirusScan95 finds a corrupted zip file, an
- information box appears behind the main window.
- This leaves it appearing as if the scan is continuing,
- when it is really waiting for user
- input.
- Resolution: If you encounter this situation, simply move the
- VirusScan95 window in any direction to reveal the
- "DynaZip UnZip Error" window behind it. Then click OK,
- responding as requested by the dialog box.
- Compressed Files:
- Files with the "-" (dash) character in the filename which are
- compressed in Zipped files will not be scanned by the On Demand
- Scanner.
- Macro Viruses:
- When a macro virus is detected in conjunction with other viruses, the
- macro virus remover will not work. We are still working on this. If
- you encounter this, you can remove the other virus first or work in
- a separate area.
- Memory Managers:
- Windows 95 no longer requires MS-DOS memory managers. Using MS-DOS
- memory managers, may cause VirusScan95 to falsely detect viruses in
- memory. To eliminate the possibility of false warnings, remark (Rem)
- the memory manager lines from your CONFIG.SYS to deactivate them.
- ____________________
- New Viruses Detected
- This DAT file (9606) detects the new viruses listed below.
- In addition, locations that have experienced problems with
- a particular virus are identified (172).
- _1660
- _2869 (Europe)
- 1STVIR.3032/3173
- ABBAS.5660
- ANGEL_2.661
- ANGEL_2.1671
- AS.594
- AWAITS.500
- BABY.962
- BABY_L.674
- BADCOM.600
- BBO.1000.D
- BERT.2294
- BOLERO.1000.A
- BOLERO.1000.B
- BOLERO.1300
- BOWL.737.B
- BUNNY.497
- CGA.1024
- CHAPA.447
- CHAPA.448
- CHAPA.450.C
- CHAPA.450.D
- CHAPA.566
- CHAPA.572
- CHAPA.586
- CHEK.282
- CNTV.2630
- CONV.321.B
- CPW.1395
- CRLC.484
- CROVIR.625
- DAN.1500
- DEBIT.2000
- DRONE.1024
- DUNE.483
- DUNE.579
- EBOL.313
- EBOL.378
- ELIZA.1282
- FASOLA.2215
- FIFO.333
- FORMAS.1146
- GAD_FLY.629
- GAD_FLY.646
- HALLO.524
- HI.512
- IMI.1536.G
- IMI.1536.H
- INCH.386
- INSIDE.752
- INT4B.231
- INT4B.242
- JUNKIE.1308
- KATE.582
- L2.2000.B
- LOUSE.919
- MAJOR.1644 (Europe)
- MANTRA.719
- MEF.1481
- MEF.1538
- MEP.295
- MEPH.615
- MEPH.914
- MEPH.928
- MEPH.1242
- NADO.838
- NADO.841
- NOV_17.1045
- OFT.1500
- PATR.1536
- POLITE (*)
- RAVING_II.1195
- SILLYC.101.B
- SILLYC.155.B
- SILLYC.165
- SILLYC.200.B
- SILLYC.202
- SILLYC.226
- SILLYC.316
- SILLYC.373
- SILLYE.398
- SILLYE.512
- TANPRO.524 (Europe)
- TENTACLES (Worldwide)
- TIE.619
- TIJUANA (Mexico/US)
- TIP.554
- TRUST.687
- TULA.1540
- TULA.1656
- V.334
- V.719
- V.864
- V.1906
- VIAGGIO.1051
- VIENNA.534.F
- VIK.480
- VIK.550
- VIRUS.655
- VOTADC.591
- WAZZU (*) (US)
- WILDY.354.B
- WILDY.354.C
- WZ-436.A
- WZ-436.B
- XPH.2010
- XUTE.1182
- XUXA.1045
- XWG.1333
- ZUB.792
- ZVER.512
- (*) Requires 2.5 executable
- ___________________
- New Viruses Removed
- This DAT file (9606) removes the viruses listed below.
- In addition, locations that have experienced problems
- with a particular virus are identified (10).
- MAJOR.1644
- ______________________
- Installing VirusScan95
- VirusScan is a single file install. This means all program files are
- located directly within the installation executable. The installation
- adds the following files to your system:
- NOTE: Due to the nature of the VShield component and how it is
- integrated into the Windows95 Operating System, it is important to
- confirm that VShield for MS-DOS or any other virus protection software
- is not currently loaded from MS-DOS or Windows95. If you are aware of
- any other Virus Detection program loading from within Windows95, please
- disable them accordingly before proceeding with VirusScan installation.
- VirusScan Files & Location (primary program files are listed)
- File Name Location Installed For* Description
- ------------ -------------- ----------- ---------------------
- SCAN.DAT Install dir scn/vsh/DOS Virus Definition Data
- NAMES.DAT Install dir scn/vsh/DOS Virus Definition Data
- CLEAN.DAT Install dir scn/vsh/DOS Virus Definition Data
- VALIDATE.EXE Install dir scn/vsh/DOS Verify authenticity of
- VirusScan files
- CHKVSH32.EXE Install dir scn/vsh/DOS VShield VxD Checking
- Utility
- UINSTALL.EXE Install dir scn/vsh/DOS Uninstall program
- VSUINST.EXE Install dir scn/vsh/DOS Uninstall assistant
- DPMI16.DLL Install dir scn/vsh Boot sector Scan Engine
- DPMI32.DLL Install dir scn/vsh Boot sector Scan Engine
- MCKRNL95.DLL Install dir scn/vsh McAfee tools library
- MCUTIL95.DLL Install dir scn/vsh Run time support DLL
- DEFAULT.VSC Install dir scn Default settings when
- Scan is launched
- DZIP32.DLL Install dir scn De-Archive Run Time
- Library
- DUNZIP32.DLL Install dir scn De-Archive Run Time
- Library
- MCSCAN32.DLL Install dir scn Main Scan Engine
- SCAN32.EXE Install dir scn Main Scan GUI
- SHUTIL95.DLL Install dir scn Run time support DLL
- DEFAULT.VSH Install dir vsh Default VShield settings
- VSHCFG32.EXE Install dir vsh Main VShield GUI
- VSHWIN32.EXE Install dir vsh Main VShield Engine
- SCAN.EXE Install dir DOS MS-DOS scanning engine
- MCKRNL.VXD WINDOWS\SYSTEM scn/vsh McAfee tools device
- driver (memory scanning
- engine)
- MCSCAN32.VXD WINDOWS\SYSTEM scn/vsh Scan Engine device
- driver
- MCUTIL.VXD WINDOWS\SYSTEM scn/vsh McAfee utility device
- driver
- S95EXT.DLL WINDOWS\SYSTEM scn Shell Extension (Adds
- two "TABs" to .VSC file
- properties UI)
- VSHIELD.VXD WINDOWS\SYSTEM vsh VShield device driver
- SCANEXT.HLP WINDOWS\HELP scn Help file for Shell
- Extension
- VIRUSCAN.HLP WINDOWS\HELP scn On-Line help file
- VIRUSCAN.CNT WINDOWS\HELP scn Context help file
- Note: WINDOWS refers to the directory that Windows 95 is installed to,
- not the Windows 3.1x directory that may exist on systems containing a
- previous version of Windows.
- * Legend:
- vsh = VShield scn = Scan32
- DOS = Command Line MS-Word = Microsoft Word, if present
- When the installation is complete, the user is prompted to restart
- their system. This is recommended.
- Note: DOSSTART.BAT will load if you still have your previous version
- of Windows or MS-DOS installed. Do not be alarmed. If this occurs,
- reboot manually.
- ________________________
- Uninstalling VirusScan95
- We have included two methods for Uninstalling VirusScan95:
- * From the McAfee VirusScan95 program group, execute the McAfee VShield
- Uninstall program.
- * Launch the Add/Remove Programs applet from the Control Panel.
- * Select the Install/Uninstall Tab.
- * Double-click on 'McAfee VirusScan95 Version 2.x'.
- * Reboot your System.
- All files, groups, and registry entries related to McAfee VirusScan95
- will be automatically removed from your system. Log files such as
- Vslog.txt are not removed however, and as a result, any directories
- related to VirusScan95 that contain these files will not be removed
- during uninstall.
- ________________________________
- If a virus is detected in memory
- If you have eliminated the possibility of memory manager conflicts and
- suspect a virus in memory, 'clean boot' to MS-DOS then use McAfee
- VirusScan for MS-DOS to perform a detection and cleaning procedure.
- To perform the detection and cleaning procedure, boot from a known,
- clean, bootable floppy diskette; an original set of MS-DOS setup disks
- is ideal. Then put the diskette containing the McAfee VirusScan for
- MS-DOS into the floppy drive, and enter the following command at the
- prompt:
- If you do not have a copy of the McAfee VirusScan product for MS-DOS,
- you can contact McAfee Customer Service at (408) 988-3832 to order a
- fully licensed version of the product.
- _________________________
- Scanning with VirusScan95
- VirusScan95 is directly incorporated into the Windows 95 interface by
- means of Context Menus. To access VirusScan from a Context Menu,
- launch Explorer and right mouse click on any Folder, Drive, EXE, or
- COM icon. This will generate a Context Menu with the Scan for Viruses
- selection.
- To Scan multiple items, select multiple Folders or Drives through
- Explorer and right mouse click to reveal the Context Menu. Choose Scan
- for Viruses.
- Try it out right now!
- Double-Clicking on any of your hard drive ICONs to launch Explorer.
- Then right mouse click on any Folder to reveal the Context Menu. Look
- for Scan for Viruses on that menu.
- _______________________
- Scanning with VShield95
- VShield provides ON-ACCESS scanning. This means that, once enabled,
- VShield will provide real-time protection against the contracting and
- spreading of viruses.
- VShield scan options are extremely customizable. Through the VShield
- Configuration Manager, users can customize just about every component
- of VShield including what to scan and when to scan.
- To access the VShield Configuration Manager, double-click on the
- VShield icon in the taskbar or double-click on the VShield icon in the
- McAfee VirusScan95 program group.
- _______________________
- Customizing VirusScan95
- VirusScan95 has a default set of options that are stored in
- DEFAULT.VSC. This file is located in the MCAFEE subfolder in the
- PROGRAM FILES folder. This is a standard text file with line items
- associated with each option in the VirusScan95 User Interface.
- The majority of options are configurable through the user interface.
- The following options are not:
- szDefaultProgramExtensions The default list of file extensions
- used by the Default" button in the
- Program File Extension dialog.
- bAutoStart Set to "1" for Scan to automatically
- start scanning.
- bAutoExit Set to "1" for Scan to automatically
- exit when scanning is complete.
- bSkipMemoryScan Set to "1" to skip a scan of memory.
- bSkipBootScan Set to "1" to skip boot sector
- scanning.
- bSkipSplash Set to "1" to suppress initial splash
- screen.
- bPreserveAccessDate Set to "1" to preserve file access
- date.
- _____________________
- Customizing VShield95
- VShield has a default set of options that are stored in DEFAULT.VSH.
- This file is stored in "C:\Program Files\McAfee ". This is a standard
- text file with line items associated with each option in the VShield
- Configuration Manager.
- All items in the DEFAULT.VSH file are directly referenced by the
- VShield User Interface. When you apply changes through the user
- interface, the DEFAULT.VSH file will be updated immediately.
- _____________
- Documentation
- All documentation is available on-line. To access documentation,
- launch VirusScan95 and select Help from the Menu bar for a list of
- available help options.
- ________________________________________
- VirusScan95 - Frequently Asked Questions
- Question: How do I scan multiple drives?
- Answer#1: VirusScan95 is a true 32 bit application that can run
- in multiple instances at the same time. This means you
- can Scan many locations simultaneously.
- To do so:
- * Launch Explorer.
- * Highlight the drives or folders you want scanned.
- * Right mouse click to reveal the Context Menu.
- * Select Scan for Viruses.
- * Press the Scan Now button to begin Scans.
- Answer#2: Use the word "LocalDrives" or "NetworkDrives" in the
- Scan In text dialog on the Where&What property page.
- Press the Scan Now button and all network or all local
- drives will be scanned.
- Question: How do I save my Scan settings ?
- Answer: VirusScan Configuration (VSC) files can be saved by
- selecting File | Save Settings. The default save
- location will be your Desktop.
- Question: I moved a VSC file to my Startup Folder. Whenever I
- turn-on my PC it launches VirusScan95 but, does not
- begin scanning. How can I make it start automatically?
- Answer: There are options within the VSC file which can be
- customized. Many of these options are easily
- accessible by doing the following:
- * Navigate to the location of the Saved VSC file.
- * While pointing to the VSC file, right mouse click to
- reveal the Context Menu.
- * From the Context Menu, select Properties.
- * Notice the added property sheets.
- * Select the Options Tab on the property sheet.
- * Check the Start Automatically box.
- By enabling this option, Scanning will now begin
- automatically. If viruses are not detected,
- VirusScan95 will automatically close thus, freeing up
- system resources. Other VSC configuration options are
- also accessible from the properties dialog.
- Question: Virus Definition files get old and need to be updated.
- Answer: For information on how to update your definition files,
- contact McAfee at 408-988-3832.
- Question: The System Agent is a utility included in Microsoft's
- Plus Pack. How do I schedule VirusScan95 through the
- System Agent and have scans launch automatically?
- Answer: VirusScan95 saves VirusScan Configuration (VSC) files
- for automating repetitive scan jobs. In order to have
- System Agent automate scanning of your system, you must
- create a VSC file which meet your needs.
- Follow these steps to create and customize a VSC file:
- 1.) Use the VirusScan95 interface to configure a Scan
- then, Save the Scan settings through the File|Save menu
- option. This will create a VSC file.
- 2.) Use Explorer to navigate to the VSC file, right
- mouse click on the file, and select properties from the
- Context Menu. Refer to the extra property sheets that
- are available for the VSC file. Make sure 'Start
- Automatically' under the 'Options' tab is checked.
- This will allow VirusScan95 to start scanning
- automatically.
- Once you've created a VSC file which meets your needs,
- use the System Agent to schedule this VSC file.
- Question: When VirusScan95 is launched, how does it determine the
- default settings?
- Answer: VirusScan95 default settings may be found in the
- DEFAULT.VSC file, located in the install directory.
- This file contains default startup options. The
- DEFAULT.VSC file is like any other VSC file, except
- that it is named DEFAULT.VSC and located in the install
- directory.
- To customize your default settings:
- 1.) Use Explorer to navigate to the DEFAULT.VSC file,
- right mouse click on the file, and select properties
- from the Context Menu. Refer to the extra property
- sheets that are available for the VSC file.
- 2.) Make modifications as you see fit.
- If the DEFAULT.VSC file is missing, VirusScan95 will
- use default settings internal to the program.
- Question: Why doesn't VShield find any infections with Action set
- to "Deny access to infected file and continue" ?
- Answer: Actually, the viruses are being found but, if Action is
- set to 'Deny access and continue', no messages will be
- sent to the user if an infection is found. Instead,
- VShield will deny the user access to the infected file
- on any subsequent attempts to copy, move or execute the
- file.
- Question: So why would I use an option that does not tell me when
- I have a virus?!
- Answer: Setting Action to Deny access and continue can be
- useful on PC's that require little or infrequent user
- intervention. Using Deny access and continue, will
- allow the PC to run without halting to display a virus
- warning message if an infected file is copied to it.
- However, the next time someone goes to that PC and
- tries to access that infected file, VShield will Deny
- access to the file.
- Question: If a virus is found while running an MS-DOS Window,
- why does my screen go blank after the alert?
- Answer: When the VShield VxD detects a virus and must alert the
- user, Windows automatically switches from whatever is
- being displayed to a full size text screen displaying
- the error. Once the user has responded to the message
- and VShield is through, Windows restores the display
- to its former state. Unfortunately, some video drivers
- do not properly handle switching from a VxD error
- message back to a windowed DOS box. Instead of setting
- the display back into a graphical mode, it leaves the
- screen "blanked out" in text mode. Windows continues
- to run, but mistakenly believes that it is still using
- graphics. To restore the screen to normal, set Windows
- to display the DOS program full-screen. This is
- accomplished by pressing the <ALT> and <ENTER> keys in
- combination, the normal way to switch between windowed
- and full screen modes. Your screen will now show the
- DOS program in full screen. Pressing <ALT> and <ENTER>
- will then return you to graphical mode.
- Question: What happened to my Novell (S)harable file attribute?
- My executable files were set to Sharable and Read Only
- before I ran VirusScan95, and now they are just Read
- Only!!
- Answer: This is a known bug, and will be fixed in the next
- elease of VS95. Possible work-around: mark the files
- EXECUTE only. Create a dummy account called SCAN on the
- server, and grant only Read and Filescan rights to that
- account. Login as SCAN before scanning your Novell
- volumes.
- __________________
- Reporting Problems
- When you encounter a problem or have general questions, you may contact
- McAfee Technical Support at (408) 988-3832.
- __________________________
- McAfee Contact Information
- For questions, orders and problems call Customer Service
- Monday-Friday, 6:00AM - 5:00PM PST at (408) 988-3832
- For Faxes (24 hour, Group III FAX), call (408) 970-9727
- To receive information from our Fax-back automated response system,
- call (408) 988-3034.
- In addition, you can receive online assistance through any of the
- following resources:
- Bulletin Board System (24 hour US Robotics HST DS) at (408) 988-4004
- Internet Email: support@mcafee.com
- Internet FTP: ftp.mcafee.com
- World Wide Web: http://www.mcafee.com
- America Online: keyword:MCAFEE
- CompuServe: GO MCAFEE
- The Microsoft Network: GO MCAFEE
- You can send correspondence to any of our McAfee locations:
- McAfee Corporate Headquarters McAfee East Coast Office
- 2710 Walsh Avenue 766 Shrewsbury Avenue
- Santa Clara, CA 95051-0963 Jerral West Center
- Tinton Falls, NJ 07724-3298
- McAfee Central Office McAfee Canada
- 5944 Luther Lane, Suite 117 178 Main Street
- Dallas, TX 75225 Unionville, Ontario
- Canada L2R 2G9
- McAfee Europe B.V. McAfee (UK) Ltd.
- Orlyplein 81 - Busitel 1 Hayley House, London Road
- 1043 DS Amsterdam Bracknell, Berkshire
- The Netherlands RG12 2th United Kingdom
- McAfee France S.A. McAfee Deutschland GmbH
- 50 rue de Londres Industriestrasse 1
- 75008 Paris D-82110 Germering
- France Germany
- _______________________
- Registering VirusScan95
- Refer to the README.1ST file for more information. README.1ST may be
- found in the installation directory or as an ICON labeled "McAfee
- Information" in the McAfee VirusScan95 Program Group.
- _______________
- McAfee Training
- For more information about scheduling onsite training for
- any McAfee product, call Customer Service at (800) 338-8754.
- _________________________
- Upgrading McAfee Products
- To make it easier for you to receive and use McAfee's products, we
- have established an Agents program to provide service, sales, and
- support around the world for our products. A listing of United States
- and International agents is provided in the file README.1ST.